Saturday, November 5, 2011

Antisocial Behavior: Prejudice

“Media are very effective at creating stereotypes because they are sometimes the only source of information we have about other groups and because they can present a distorted view of those groups” (Straubhaar, LaRose, and Davenport, 2008). Society is easily influenced by what they see and hear in the media. It is sad to say but forms of intolerance such as sexism and racism still exist in our culture and is promoted through the media.

Racism is seen through all races. The Cleveland Show and Family Guy are two great examples of shows where one is majority black and the other is majority white. Both shows exhibit racist comments and gestures that are supposed to be seen as humorous. Sometimes we want to be blind to the fact that it still exists but the reality of it is that it is there whether we want to admit it or not. Our culture has come so far breaking away from such viewpoints, but then there are shows like I mentioned previously that help to reiterate the traditional racist views. How are we supposed to move forward and rid of these views when media is presenting prejudice views in an extremely negative light?

Sex- role stereotypes are heavily promoted in reality shows; think about shows such as America’s Next Top Model and Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Girls aspire to be stick skinny and beautiful even if it means being unhealthy. According to the text, “Gender stereotypes can make us unsatisfied with our own bodies” (Straubhaar, LaRose, and Davenport, 2008). America’s Next Top Model places an unrealistic image in females’ heads that they can look like the women on television. Keeping Up With The Kardashians on the other hand portrays a very high maintenance style of living. The luxurious materialistic things that these people have on television makes viewers think that what they have is not enough even if in reality it truly is. Not many people will ever see the large amounts of money that the Kardashian family has yet people still strive to obtain the same lifestyle as them, which is nearly impossible.

Society would have a positive experience if they were given the opportunity as individuals to form their own ideas instead of being influence by stereotypes. I think that each individual would have a more satisfying life because they would truly believe that what they had is more than enough and would be grateful for the little things. Eliminating shows that portray an extravagant life or an impossible body figure to obtain would open the door to endless possibilities for viewers!

Source: Straubhaar, J., LaRose, R., & Davenport, L. (2008).

Media now: Understanding media, culture, and

technology. (6th ed., pp. 419-420). Boston, MA:


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